This vignette focuses on MCMC diagnostic plots, in particular on
diagnosing divergent transitions and on the n_eff
statistics that help you determine that the chains
have mixed well. Plots of parameter estimates from MCMC draws are
covered in the separate vignette Plotting
MCMC draws, and graphical posterior predictive model checking
is covered in the Graphical
posterior predictive checks vignette.
Note that most of these plots can also be browsed interactively using the shinystan package.
In addition to bayesplot we’ll load the following packages:
Before we delve into the actual plotting we need to fit a model to
have something to work with. In this vignette we’ll use the eight
schools example, which is discussed in many places, including Rubin
(1981), Gelman et al. (2013), and the RStan
Getting Started wiki. This is a simple hierarchical meta-analysis
model with data consisting of point estimates y
standard errors sigma
from analyses of test prep programs
in J=8
schools. Ideally we would have the full data from
each of the previous studies, but in this case we only have the these
schools_dat <- list(
J = 8,
y = c(28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12),
sigma = c(15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18)
The model is: \[ \begin{align*} y_j &\sim {\rm Normal}(\theta_j, \sigma_j), \quad j = 1,\dots,J \\ \theta_j &\sim {\rm Normal}(\mu, \tau), \quad j = 1, \dots, J \\ \mu &\sim {\rm Normal}(0, 10) \\ \tau &\sim {\rm half-Cauchy}(0, 10), \end{align*} \] with the normal distribution parameterized by the mean and standard deviation, not the variance or precision. In Stan code:
// Saved in 'schools_mod_cp.stan'
data {
int<lower=0> J;
vector[J] y;
vector<lower=0>[J] sigma;
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
vector[J] theta;
model {
mu ~ normal(0, 10);
tau ~ cauchy(0, 10);
theta ~ normal(mu, tau);
y ~ normal(theta, sigma);
This parameterization of the model is referred to as the centered parameterization (CP). We’ll also fit the same statistical model but using the so-called non-centered parameterization (NCP), which replaces the vector \(\theta\) with a vector \(\eta\) of a priori i.i.d. standard normal parameters and then constructs \(\theta\) deterministically from \(\eta\) by scaling by \(\tau\) and shifting by \(\mu\): \[ \begin{align*} \theta_j &= \mu + \tau \,\eta_j, \quad j = 1,\dots,J \\ \eta_j &\sim N(0,1), \quad j = 1,\dots,J. \end{align*} \] The Stan code for this model is:
// Saved in 'schools_mod_ncp.stan'
data {
int<lower=0> J;
vector[J] y;
vector<lower=0>[J] sigma;
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
vector[J] eta;
transformed parameters {
vector[J] theta;
theta = mu + tau * eta;
model {
mu ~ normal(0, 10);
tau ~ cauchy(0, 10);
eta ~ normal(0, 1); // implies theta ~ normal(mu, tau)
y ~ normal(theta, sigma);
The centered and non-centered are two parameterizations of the same statistical model, but they have very different practical implications for MCMC. Using the bayesplot diagnostic plots, we’ll see that, for this data, the NCP is required in order to properly explore the posterior distribution.
To fit both models we first translate the Stan code to C++ and
compile it using the stan_model
schools_mod_cp <- stan_model("schools_mod_cp.stan")
schools_mod_ncp <- stan_model("schools_mod_ncp.stan")
We then fit the model by calling Stan’s MCMC algorithm using the
function (the increased adapt_delta
param is to make the sampler a bit more “careful” and avoid false
positive divergences),
fit_cp <- sampling(schools_mod_cp, data = schools_dat, seed = 803214055, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9))
Warning: There were 44 divergent transitions after warmup. See
to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
Warning: There were 1 chains where the estimated Bayesian Fraction of Missing Information was low. See
Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
fit_ncp <- sampling(schools_mod_ncp, data = schools_dat, seed = 457721433, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9))
and extract a iterations x chains x parameters
array of
posterior draws with as.array
# Extract posterior draws for later use
posterior_cp <- as.array(fit_cp)
posterior_ncp <- as.array(fit_ncp)
You may have noticed the warnings about divergent transitions for the centered parameterization fit. Those are serious business and in most cases indicate that something is wrong with the model and the results should not be trusted. For an explanation of these warnings see Divergent transitions after warmup. We’ll have a look at diagnosing the source of the divergences first and then dive into some diagnostics that should be checked even if there are no warnings from the sampler.
The No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS, Hoffman and Gelman, 2014) is the variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) used by Stan and the various R packages that depend on Stan for fitting Bayesian models. The bayesplot package has special functions for visualizing some of the unique diagnostics permitted by HMC, and NUTS in particular. See Betancourt (2017), Betancourt and Girolami (2013), and Stan Development Team (2017) for more details on the concepts.
The special bayesplot functions for NUTS diagnostics are
bayesplot MCMC module:
(matching pattern '_nuts_')
Those functions require more information than simply the posterior
draws, in particular the log of the posterior density for each draw and
some NUTS-specific diagnostic values may be needed. The
bayesplot package provides generic functions
and nuts_params
for extracting
this information from fitted model objects. Currently methods are
provided for models fit using the rstan,
rstanarm and brms packages, although
it is not difficult to define additional methods for the objects
returned by other R packages. For the Stan models we fit above we can
use the log_posterior
and nuts_params
for stanfit objects:
Chain Iteration Value
1 1 1 -22.24092
2 1 2 -19.47006
3 1 3 -20.53399
4 1 4 -24.14739
5 1 5 -20.18378
6 1 6 -16.20084
Chain Iteration Parameter Value
1 1 1 accept_stat__ 0.8270966
2 1 2 accept_stat__ 0.9643772
3 1 3 accept_stat__ 0.9787898
4 1 4 accept_stat__ 0.9956166
5 1 5 accept_stat__ 0.9668557
6 1 6 accept_stat__ 0.9912499
In addition to the NUTS-specific plotting functions, some of the general MCMC plotting functions demonstrated in the Plotting MCMC draws vignette also take optional arguments that can be used to display important HMC/NUTS diagnostic information. We’ll see examples of this in the next section on divergent transitions.
When running the Stan models above, there were warnings about divergent transitions. Here we’ll look at diagnosing the source of divergences through visualizations.
The mcmc_parcoord
plot shows one line per iteration,
connecting the parameter values at this iteration. This lets you see
global patterns in the divergences.
This function works in general without including information about
the divergences, but if the optional np
argument is used to
pass NUTS parameter information, then divergences will be colored in the
plot (by default in red).
Here, you may notice that divergences in the centered
parameterization happen exclusively when tau
, the
hierarchical standard deviation, goes near zero and the values of the
s are essentially fixed. This makes tau
immediately suspect. See Gabry et al. (2019)
for another example of the parallel coordinates plot.
The mcmc_pairs
function can also be used to look at
multiple parameters at once, but unlike mcmc_parcoord
(which works well even when including several dozen parameters)
is more useful for up to ~8 parameters. It shows
univariate histograms and bivariate scatter plots for selected
parameters and is especially useful in identifying collinearity between
variables (which manifests as narrow bivariate plots) as well as the
presence of multiplicative non-identifiabilities (banana-like
Let’s look at how tau
interacts with other variables,
using only one of the theta
s to keep the plot readable:
mcmc_pairs(posterior_cp, np = np_cp, pars = c("mu","tau","theta[1]"),
off_diag_args = list(size = 0.75))
Note that each bivariate plot is present twice – by default each of
those contain half of the chains, so you also get to see if the chains
produced similar results (see the documentation for the
argument for other options). Here, the
interaction of tau
and theta[1]
seems most
interesting, as it concentrates the divergences into a tight region.
Further examples of pairs plots and instructions for using the
various optional arguments to mcmc_pairs
are provided via
Using the mcmc_scatter
function (with optional argument
) we can look at a single bivariate plot to investigate
it more closely. For hierarchical models, a good place to start is to
plot a “local” parameter (theta[j]
) against a “global”
scale parameter on which it depends (tau
We will also use the transformations
argument to look at
the log of tau
, as this is what Stan is doing under the
hood for parameters like tau
that have a lower bound of
zero. That is, even though the draws for tau
returned from
Stan are all positive, the parameter space that the Markov chains actual
explore is unconstrained. Transforming tau
is not strictly
necessary for the plot (often the plot is still useful without it) but
plotting in the unconstrained is often even more informative.
First the plot for the centered parameterization:
# assign to an object so we can reuse later
scatter_theta_cp <- mcmc_scatter(
pars = c("theta[1]", "tau"),
transform = list(tau = "log"), # can abbrev. 'transformations'
np = np_cp,
size = 1
The shape of this bivariate distribution resembles a funnel (or tornado). This one in particular is essentially the same as an example referred to as Neal’s funnel (details in the Stan manual) and it is a clear indication that the Markov chains are struggling to explore the tip of the funnel, which is narrower than the rest of the space.
The main problem is that large steps are required to explore the less
narrow regions efficiently, but those steps become too large for
navigating the narrow region. The required step size is connected to the
value of tau
. When tau
is large it allows for
large variation in theta
(and requires large steps) while
small tau
requires small steps in theta
The non-centered parameterization avoids this by sampling the
parameter which, unlike theta
, is a
priori independent of tau
. Then theta
computed deterministically from the parameters eta
and tau
afterwards. Here’s the same plot as
above, but with eta[1]
from non-centered parameterization
instead of theta[1]
from the centered parameterization:
scatter_eta_ncp <- mcmc_scatter(
pars = c("eta[1]", "tau"),
transform = list(tau = "log"),
np = np_ncp,
size = 1
We can see that the funnel/tornado shape is replaced by a somewhat Gaussian blob/cloud and the divergences go away. Gabry et al. (2019) has further discussion of this example.
Ultimately we only care about eta
insofar as it enables
the Markov chains to better explore the posterior, so let’s directly
examine how much more exploration was possible after the
reparameterization. For the non-centered parameterization we can make
the same scatterplot but use the values of
theta[1] = mu + eta[1] * tau
instead of
. Below is a side by side comparison with the
scatterplot of theta[1]
vs log(tau)
from the
centered parameterization that we made above. We will also force the
plots to have the same \(y\)-axis
limits, which will make the most important difference much more
# A function we'll use several times to plot comparisons of the centered
# parameterization (cp) and the non-centered parameterization (ncp). See
# help("bayesplot_grid") for details on the bayesplot_grid function used here.
compare_cp_ncp <- function(cp_plot, ncp_plot, ncol = 2, ...) {
cp_plot, ncp_plot,
grid_args = list(ncol = ncol),
subtitles = c("Centered parameterization",
"Non-centered parameterization"),
scatter_theta_ncp <- mcmc_scatter(
pars = c("theta[1]", "tau"),
transform = list(tau = "log"),
np = np_ncp,
size = 1
compare_cp_ncp(scatter_theta_cp, scatter_theta_ncp, ylim = c(-8, 4))
Once we transform the eta
values into theta
values we actually see an even more pronounced funnel/tornado shape than
we have with the centered parameterization. But this is precisely what
we want! The non-centered parameterization allowed us to obtain draws
from the funnel distribution without having to directly navigate the
curvature of the funnel. With the centered parameterization the chains
never could make it into the neck of funnel and we see a clustering of
divergences and no draws in the tail of the distribution.
Another useful diagnostic plot is the trace plot, which is a time
series plot of the Markov chains. That is, a trace plot shows the
evolution of parameter vector over the iterations of one or many Markov
chains. The np
argument to the mcmc_trace
function can be used to add a rug plot of the divergences to a trace
plot of parameter draws. Typically we can see that at least one of the
chains is getting stuck wherever there is a cluster of many red
Here is the trace plot for the tau
parameter from the
centered parameterization:
mcmc_trace(posterior_cp, pars = "tau", np = np_cp) +
xlab("Post-warmup iteration")
The first thing to note is that all chains seem to be exploring the
same region of parameter values, which is a good sign. But the plot is
too crowded to help us diagnose divergences. We may however zoom in to
investigate, using the window
mcmc_trace(posterior_cp, pars = "tau", np = np_cp, window = c(300,500)) +
xlab("Post-warmup iteration")